Eye symptoms in Hayfever

Eye symptoms in hayfever

The condition of hayfever is best treated with good constitutional prescribing to help diminish the allergic tendencies of the patient. However, there are several homeopathic medicines that can alleviate the acute symptoms. Amongst those are some remedies with very distinctive EYE or VISION symptoms. Whilst no homeopath would ever prescribe on just one symptom, these eye symptoms can lead to helping narrow down the acute remedy. The eye symptoms fit into the categories :

Objective symptoms such as the type of lachrymation, swollen lids, redness and inflamed eyes.

Subjective symptoms include burning, itching and light sensitivity.

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Considering the main well-known remedies for the acute flareup of hayfever, it is useful to compare remedies with symptoms in common.

1.      Allium Cepa :Copious, profuse lachrymation with burning, itching and excoriation.

                        The lachrymation is bland although eyes can smart and burn and can

                         be sensitive to light. Eyelids tend to be swollen.

Arsenicum Album: Similar symptoms to Allium Cepa. However, the tears are hot and        

                         corrosive and make cheeks and eyelids sore and  there is more intense

                         sensitivity to light. The more burning sensation  the more Arsenicum Alb is

                         indicated, the more the itch in the eyes, the more it is Allium Cepa.


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2.      Natrum Muriaticum: Eyes water and run “like a faucet” but  then dries up and severe

                        dryness of the mucous membranes can result. Hayfever with dry eyes

                        responds well to Natrum Mur. It also has itchy, sore eyes ,especially in

                        the inner canthi with a feeling of sand in the eyes. Looking at the sun

                        can bring on a sneezing attack.

Euphrasia: Also has the sensitivity to the sun with red, sore eyes that feel like there is

                        sand in them. Eyes water all the time and the tears are hot.

                        There is soreness in the eyes, as if overused, and swollen lids. A frequent

                         Inclination to blink can result.


3.      Dulcamara: Eyelids can be swollen and be the most prominent symptom and then alternate

                      with the nasal symptoms. Thick yellow discharge. There are very distinctive

                      modalities. Worse in the open air, worse from freshly cut grass, worse from cold

                      and damp weather, better in a warm room but worse from air-conditioning.

Pulsatilla: Eye discharge starts watery then goes into thick, yellow.The eyelids can be

                      sticking together. A child may continually be rubbing their eyes. Worse in a

                      closed room without ventilation and worse in the open air (unusual for Puls)


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4.      Others with one or two distinctive indications:


Nux Vomica: Itchy and watery eyes with a keynote of being aggravated from going outside

                        from inside.

Sticta: Sore eyes, soreness is worse on closing the eyes or turning them.

Sabadilla:Red, burning eyelids. Redness of the margins of the eyelids

Arundo: When hayfever begins with burning and itching of the conjunctiva (the

                delicate membrane lining the eyelids and covering the eyeball.)

Arsenicum Iodide: The burning sensations of Arsenicum Album are accentuated

                with this remedy. Eyeballs are heavy, smarting and weak.

Gelsemium:Has sensitivity to the sunlight and can have double vision. Heavy

                 droopy eyelids that are sore when moving them.


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